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Dick Dastardly t-shirt
Dick Dastardly t-shirt – T-shirt bambino raffigurante Dick Dastardly, personaggio di diverse serie animate prodotte da Hanna & Barbera apparso per la prima volta come villani e personaggio principale nel cartoon Wacky Races, dove rappresenta la parodia del personaggio malvagio. È caratterizzato da una iconografia tipica dello stereotipo del “cattivo”: alto e magro, con ghigno satanico e baffi sottili, sempre vestito di abiti scuri. La caratterizzazione del personaggio era fortemente ispirata ai “cattivi” di alcuni film di grande successo dell’epoca, in particolare, il personaggio di Dick Dastardly deve molto al Professor Fate, di cui richiama anche l’abbigliamento. In “Wacky Races” Dastardly gareggia in un raid automobilistico, cercando di vincere con l’uso di scorrettezze.L’auto di Dastardly, anch’essa caratterizzata in modo da trasudare cattiveria, era la temibile numero 00 (nome originale Mean Machine), dotata di incredibili trappole. Nonostante l’uso di trucchi, Dastardly non risulta mai vincente nelle tappe della corsa, rimanendo di solito vittima delle proprie azioni, della propria inettitudine o più semplicemente della sfortuna. Nel sito potrete trovare anche le felpe e le t-shirt del cane Muttley, la spalla di Dastardly: pavido, poco fedele e forse più sadico del padrone.
Dick Dastardly t-shirt – Kid’s t-shirt depicting Dick Dastardly, character of several animated series produced by Hanna & Barbera first appeared as villains and main character in the cartoon Wacky Races, where it represents the parody of the evil character. It is characterized by an iconography typical of the “bad” stereotype: tall and thin, with satanic grin and thin mustache, always dressed in dark clothes. The characterization of the character was strongly inspired by the “villains” of some very successful films of the time, in particular, the character of Dick Dastardly owes much to Professor Fate, which also recalls clothing. In “Wacky Races” Dastardly competes in a motoring raid, trying to win with the use of misconduct. The car of Dastardly, also characterized in order to exude malice, was the fearsome number 00 (original name Mean Machine), equipped with incredible traps. Despite the use of tricks, Dastardly is never a winner in the stages of the race, usually remaining the victim of their actions, their ineptitude or simply misfortune. On the site you can also find the sweatshirts and t-shirts of the dog Muttley, Dastardly’s shoulder: fearful, not very faithful and perhaps more sadistic than the owner. Dick Dastardly t-shirt – T-shirt man depicting Dick Dastardly, character of several animated series produced by Hanna & Barbera first appeared as villains and main character in the cartoon Wacky Races, where it represents the parody of the evil character. It is characterized by an iconography typical of the “bad” stereotype: tall and thin, with satanic grin and thin mustache, always dressed in dark clothes. The characterization of the character was strongly inspired by the “villains” of some very successful films of the time, in particular, the character of Dick Dastardly owes much to Professor Fate, which also recalls clothing. In “Wacky Races” Dastardly competes in a motoring raid, trying to win with the use of misconduct. The car of Dastardly, also characterized in order to exude malice, was the fearsome number 00 (original name Mean Machine), equipped with incredible traps. Despite the use of tricks, Dastardly is never a winner in the stages of the race, usually remaining the victim of their actions, their ineptitude or simply misfortune. On the site you can also find the sweatshirts and t-shirts of the dog Muttley, Dastardly’s shoulder: fearful, not very faithful and perhaps more sadistic than the owner.
T-shirt bambino – 100% cotone – Kid‘s t-shirt – 100% cotton
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