Descrizione Prodotto
Ray’s t-shirt
Ray’s t-shirt – T-shirt bambino ispirata al film cult Blues Brothers ed in particolare al negozio di strumenti Ray’s Music Exchange. Jake ed Elwood, dopo esser riusciti a riunire la Banda, si recano da Ray’s Music Exchange per affittare degli strumenti. Il proprietario, il fantastico Ray Charles, per convincere i due ad affittare un piano canta Twist it (Shake Your Tail Feather)… inutile dire che la scena è entrata nella storia del cinema.
Siamo in missione per conto di Dio. (Elwood Blues)
Ray’s t-shirt – Kids t-shirt inspired by the cult film Blues Brothers and particularly to the instrument store Ray’s Music Exchange. Jake and Elwood, after he managed to reunite the band, go to Ray’s Music Exchange for rent tools. The owner, the great Ray Charles, to convince the two to rent a piano singing Twist it (Shake Your Tail Feather) … needless to say that the scene has entered the history of cinema.
T-shirt bambino (kids t-shirt) – 100% cotone pre-ristretto (100% cotton pre-shrunk) – Grigio mélange 85% cotone, 15% viscosa
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